Buccaneers (series)
Buccaneers is the title for a collection of 8 children's books first published in 1980, written by Sheila K. McCullagh and illustrated by Derek Collard. The series follows the adventures of a young boy who finds a magical picture of a silver ship which takes him into a world of pirates, privateers, war and maritime adventure.
Book Titles
Series 1:
- 1 The Silver Ship
- 2 The Island of Solomon Dee
- 3 The Mystery of the blue Whale
- 4 The Journey Through The Strange Land
- 5 The Fight for Ramir
- 6 The Stolen Treasure
- 7 Captain Rasha and the Golden Dragon
- 8 The Island of Fire
Series 2: New Buccaneers:
- 1 Captain Rasha and the Wolf Men
- 2 Attack by Night
- 3 Shipwreck!
- 4 The Crown of Ramir
- 5 The Scarlet Berries of The Snow
- 6 The Sea King’s Treasure
- 7 Captain James and The Ice Queen
- 8 The Rightful King of Ramir
External links